8 Helpful Winter Health Tips for Kids

During the winter months, cold and flu season is in full swing. Kids spend more time indoors with other children and heating systems recycle dry air, which enables germs to spread easily. While there is never a guarantee you won’t get a cold or the flu, you can take precautions to lower your family’s risk… Continue Reading

Flu Shots for Kids: What You Should Know

While COVID-19 is at the forefront of our minds this year, we can’t forget to guard against the flu. To protect your child and the people around them, flu shots for kids are important. Cases of the influenza virus are diagnosed year-round, but peak flu season typically occurs during the fall and winter from November… Continue Reading

8 Halloween Safety Tips for Kids & Parents

There are many reasons we welcome fall with open arms.  But the thing your child might be most excited about in October is Halloween. And why shouldn’t they be? Halloween is one of the most fun holidays for children. To get the most out of the holiday, Halloween safety should be top of mind for… Continue Reading

Adolescent Depression: A Guide for Parents

Mental illness is not just an adult problem. Children and teens can experience things like depression and anxiety. While you might expect your child to be moody or out of sorts every now and then (especially in their teenage years), adolescent depression can be a serious problem. With  National Depression Screening Day coming up on… Continue Reading

Is My Child Too Sick for School?

Now that kids are back in school for in-person learning, it’s time to brush up on the signs and symptoms that mean your child is too sick for school. Recognizing the symptoms of a possibly contagious illness may be more important now than ever. While statistics suggest that children do not get sick with COVID-19… Continue Reading

6 Ways to Help Your Child with Weight Management

National Childhood Obesity Month is in September. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 5 children in the US have obesity. It’s a serious problem that can put children and adolescents at risk for other health conditions. That’s why we have put together these 6 tips for weight management… Continue Reading

8 Back-to-School Tips for Parents

A new school year is upon us, and while things are looking a little more “normal” than they were this time last year, you might need some help gearing up and getting back into the swing of things.  So we’re here to offer you some back-to-school tips to help you and your child stay safe,… Continue Reading

5 Sun Safety Tips for Kids

During the summer, your family is likely to spend more time outside than ever. Since July is UV Safety Awareness Month, we thought it was a good time to share some sun safety tips for kids.  Our Top 5 Sun Safety Tips 1. Seek Shade Plan indoor activities to stay inside during the hottest parts… Continue Reading

How to Babyproof Your Home

Before you bring your baby home from the hospital, you need to make sure that your home is a safe place for them. Some baby proofing should be done immediately, but some things can be put off until later when crawling and walking are imminent. If you’re not sure where to start, here are 15… Continue Reading

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