5 Tips For Surviving The “Terrible Twos”

The dreaded term and irritating remark– the “terrible twos.” According to Healthline, this stage of toddlerhood is when your child is learning to walk, talk, have opinions, experience emotions, and begin to understand how to share and take turns. Although trying, this is a normal developmental phase that often results in tantrums and defiant behavior.… Continue Reading

Mask Update / Actualizar de máscaras

We are excited to announce beginning September 1, 2022 Masks will be OPTIONAL for our patients, visitors, and staff while at both of our locations. Masks are NOT OPTIONAL if you have any of the following symptoms: FEVER, CHILLS, COUGH, TROUBLE BREATHING, FATIGUE, ACHES, HEADACHE, LOSS OF TASTE OR SMELL, SORE THROAT, CONGESTION, RUNNY NOSE, NAUSEA, VOMITING OR DIARRHEA  You will need… Continue Reading

Managing ADHD In Your Child

Parenting an ADHD child can be exhausting and frustrating. The demands of managing this disorder can test your patience and put a strain on your relationship with your child. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 6.1 million American children have been diagnosed with ADHD. Managing ADHD is difficult, but with all of… Continue Reading

Discussing Mental Health With Children

As a parent, having a happy and healthy child is indispensable. Yet, in an unabashed world filled with unforeseen circumstances leaving a lasting imprint on the world, it is important to make your child aware and equipped to handle real-life issues. Anxiety, stress, and negative emotions are at the forefront of an array of mental… Continue Reading

Common Reasons Your Child Wets The Bed

Bedwetting, also called nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis, is not uncommon in toddlers. According to AACAP, twenty percent of children wet the bed at the age of five. However, continued bedwetting past the toddler stage may be caused by an underlying issue rather than the occasional accident. There are several reasons your child wets the bed,… Continue Reading

Tips For Traveling With Your Child In The Car

The infamous question – “Are we there yet”? Sitting in the car for extended periods can be difficult for anyone. Add a toddler or two, and you might start to sweat at even the mere thought. But with a bit of planning, some snacks, and lots of pastime activities, you can travel with your child… Continue Reading

Hot Weather Safety for Kids

The hot weather and intense UV rays of the summer are here, and while this is a fun time of the year for many families, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the basics of hot weather safety for kids. Both infants and children sweat less than adults, which reduces their ability to cool down, making… Continue Reading

Changes in Insurance Participation Effective July 1, 2022

Effective July 1, 2022 we will no longer be accepting the following Medicaid Managed Care Health Plans: AmeriHealth Caritas of North Carolina Carolina Complete Health ***If you wish to keep either of these plans, you will need to transfer your child’s care to a provider who is in network*** To continue seeing our providers you… Continue Reading

8 Brain Games to Keep Kids Sharp During Summer

Summer vacation has begun, which means your children are enjoying a well-deserved break, but how much of a break is too much? While vacation is meant to be relaxing, too much time away from a routine and regular lessons can lead to summer learning loss. In fact, studies have found that the average student loses… Continue Reading

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